Hartford, CT - The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS) today reminded cigarette and tobacco retailers that the use of commercial cigarette-making machines by unlicensed manufacturers is illegal. Commercial cigarette making machines require a Connecticut cigarette manufacturer’s license and compliance with fire-safety, packaging, and other requirements. Retailers that continue to offer the use of such commercial “roll-your-own” cigarette machines may be charged with a misdemeanor and subject to arrest.
DRS Commissioner Kevin Sullivan said, “Connecticut is one of a number of states that have concluded that the use of commercial cigarette-making machines at retail establishments constitutes the illegal manufacture and sale of cigarettes. Issues that range from the proper licensing of the retailer and compliance with the Connecticut Tobacco Directory, to the ingredients in the tobacco and fire safety of the cigarettes, make this a practice that cannot be allowed in Connecticut.”
Commissioner Sullivan said DRS issued Policy Statement 2011(1), “The Use of Commercial Cigarette-Making Machine in a Retail Establishment,” to explain the agency’s position on the matter and outline the penalties for non-compliance. In addition to facing thousands of dollars in fines and potential arrest, retailers that defy the law may also lose their cigarette or tobacco products license and could face federal penalties.
“This is a no win situation for merchants who think they can get around state tax law to sell cheaper cigarettes,” Commissioner Sullivan said. “By manufacturing cigarettes on their premises, these businesses are actually exposing themselves to a host of rules and regulations they never anticipated. It just isn’t worth it.”
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