The poll commissioned by the Iowa Tobacco Prevention Alliance found:
• 85% of Iowa voters feel that it is a proper role of state government to encourage children and teenagers not to start smoking.
• 68% of those surveyed indicate they also view it as an appropriate function of state government to help Iowans stop smoking.
• 68% of those surveyed indicated they believe the state should continue all funding for addiction related services.
• After hearing throughout the survey the benefits of youth prevention services offered by the state, 65% of Iowans say they oppose abolishing funding for youth prevention services.
• After hearing throughout the survey the benefits of tobacco cessation services offered by the state, 63% of Iowans say they oppose eliminating funding for services that help Iowans quit smoking.
• 54% of Republicans in the survey oppose cutting funding for cessation services.
• 52% of Republicans surveyed oppose cutting funding for youth prevention services.
Cathy Callaway with the Iowa Tobacco Prevention Alliance stated, “Iowa voters understand the critical role prevention and cessation services play in reducing the death and disease caused by tobacco use as well as the health care costs associated with it.” She added, “Iowans view these services as a proper undertaking for State government, they are pleased with the success of the services that have been funded, and strong support exists for continued funding.”
Callaway added, “The perception among Iowa voters is clear: these services work, and we want them continued. Iowans have seen youth smoking drop from 33% in 2000 to 20% in 2008. Iowans have seen adult smoking decrease from 23% in 2000 to 14% in 2008. These services have worked, their success is undisputable.”
Peggy Huppert, Iowa Director of Government Relations for the American Cancer Society added, “Iowans want funding continued for both prevention and cessation services. The health effects of smoking and tobacco use cut across party lines and so does the support to continue funding. Over three in four current smokers indicate a desire to see prevention services for Iowa’s youth funded. We will be working closely with legislators from both parties during the final weeks of the State budgeting process. Our funding request of $7.8 million is well below the $12 million the program received just four years ago, and the $36.7 million recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But as the last ten years have shown, we have made every penny count, and we’re proud of our successes.”
The poll was conducted by Selzer & Co. in February. It surveyed 500 Iowa registered voters on their attitudes toward the Smoke-Free Air Act and proposals pending in the Iowa Legislature that address smoking issues. The full sample has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points.
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