вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.

In France the division "cigarettes" policemen is created.

However, in France until recently not too actively struggled with smoking cigarettes in public places. For example, the interdiction on cigarettes in the French bars and restaurants, theoretically, operates with 1991, however in practice all turns out exactly on the contrary: nobody forbids to allocate for smoking cigarettes special premises outside of a hall of restaurant, as is everywhere. Since January of the next year all will change: smoking cigarettes in institutions of a public catering.As an interdiction on smoking cigarettes in other public places will come into force in France since February, 1st. Infringers are threatened with the penalty at rate of 68 euro. By the right to check how this interdiction is carried out, are allocated not only the French policemen and gendarmerie, but also transport police and the whole army of inspectors. And still the French government hopes, that the interdiction will be observed not because of strengthening police measures, and owing to moral pressure of a society upon smokers.

вторник, 14 июля 2009 г.

Are Your Teenagers Still Being Pressured Into Smoking

In the world we live in today and in the past, many of our children are exposed to smoking on a daily basis. The kids have to deal with either smoking cigarettes or the peer pressure from a lot of their friends to try marijuana for the first time. It really does not matter if it is cigarettes or marijuana, they are both bad for your lungs. Some parents think that if their kids smoke marijuana when they are young, although it may not be good for them to experiment with, studies do show that most kids that do try it, usually do not keep that habit very long.

With marijuana the kids are just trying to be cool and fit in with their class mates an a lot of them do at least try it, but studies has proven that about 80% of them never end up smoking it after high school is over. It seems as if they lose interest in those high school days and the marijuana as well. But the same thing does not apply when it comes to smoking cigarettes, most kids want to try cigarettes for the first time just trying to fit in with the crowd. This is the age, and even before, that the parent should really express the important facts about not trying cigarettes or marijuana for the first time.

It is a proven fact that about 80% of kids that try cigarettes for the first time find themselves a few years later wanting to know why they just can not seem to be able to kick the habit of smoking cigarettes. Out of the high school, kids who try smoking cigarettes in high school are now hooked on a drug that has been covered up liked classified information. This is exactly what the cigarette companies know that they have created. There is no reason to advertise any more on television because their tobacco products are so entrenched in some parts of society, peer pressure is doing it for them.

All you have to do now days is just look around out in public at how many of us are lighting up on a regular basis. The kids that see this are just kids, but that does not mean their curiosity is not gotten by what they see. So, as parents we need to make sure that our kids are not being led into smoking cigarettes because when tobacco is compared to other addictive drugs, there really is no difference in the addictive quality or the damage it can cause to your health.

пятница, 10 июля 2009 г.

What It Takes To Stop Smoking Cigarettes

How do you make yourself stop smoking cigarettes? Many smokers have already reached the conclusion that they have to quit sooner or later and they also know that sooner is the better choice. Knowing that you need to stop smoking is one thing, getting around to actually getting it done is quite another. People that are addicted to other drugs often go to a rehabilitation center to help them kick their habits to other substances. It could be said that a smoker does not need that kind of serious intervention, but with no many that fail in the quest to quit, it might be something to consider after all.

If you are like most people that smoke, you probably could not afford to go to a rehab center anyway. So, most people do what everyone else has tried. They buy nicotine patches, nicotine gum, they try cold turkey, they join support groups, they get hypnotized, and any other trick they can think of. Sometimes these methods work for some and not for others. Some smokers can quit much easier than some. Some just give up and this the the worst mistake they can make. They get frustrated with the constant cravings. Of course, they should expect this since it is something they have been doing up to 20 times a day or more everyday for possibly years.

Willpower and determination are the two deciding factors whether you will be able to quit or not. It all boils down to that. You can buy all of the stop smoking aids you can find, but they will never work for you unless you are absolutely set on quitting. It is nothing that you will be able to accomplish with a halfhearted attitude. You either are firm in your decision or not. This can be said for many things you want to do in life. Saving money, losing weight, giving up drugs or alcohol. It all comes down to you.

It is a shame that so many smokers wait until they have developed some serious health issues before they can reach the point where they absolutely want to quit. Often, by the time they reach this point they already have a disease that will be with them for the rest of their life and sometimes this might not be very long. Do not let yourself be one of those that wait almost too late before you try to quit. Made your firm decision today. Everyday longer you wait to start the quitting process, the harder it is likely to be ands the more risk you are taking with what might be left of your good health.