As secondhand smoke dissipates with each new smoke-free air law and the Food and Drug Administration further restricts the marketing of cigarettes, smoking takes a hit. Just don’t assume Big Tobacco isn’t noticing. In Wisconsin, the tobacco industry is spending $274 million per year promoting a new line of smokeless and spitless tobacco products. Examples of Big Tobacco’s newest products include toothpick-like products that dissolve in your mouth and deliver nicotine in a dose equivalent to three cigarettes, and mini-cigars that appeal to new audiences through fruity flavors such as peach and strawberry.
These products are being packaged to look and smell like popular gums, mints and candy. Many of these tobacco products are strategically placed next to the candy/gum isles in gas stations and convenience stores. The revolting reality: These deceptive marketing techniques are being directed at young people. It’s a fact that 90 percent of adult smokers started using tobacco before they turned 18. The tobacco industry is using candy-flavored smokeless tobacco products to attract new, younger users while keeping all of the addictive and harmful substances in order to continue to line their pockets.
Just as shocking is how other tobacco products cost considerably less than cigarettes. The cigarette tax is $2.52 for a pack of 20 cigarettes compared to the tobacco tax of around 78 cents for 20 little cigars.
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