A BAN on the sale of cigarettes from vending machines has been welcomed by health chiefs in Warwickshire.
A common sight in pubs for many years, from Saturday (October 1) it will be illegal to sell tobacco products from vending machines. It will also be against the law for the machines to display any tobacco advertisements or pictures of tobacco products.
Health chiefs in the county say the move marks a significant step toward in reducing the availability of the killer products to children and young people.
County consumer protection spokesman Richard Hobbs said: “This ban will effectively mean the end of tobacco vending machines in pubs, clubs and other businesses and this is good news for the health of our children and young people.”
“We know that young people are buying tobacco products from these machines and are doing so in proportionately larger numbers than adults because they are often located in unsupervised locations.
"It is essential that we do all we can to stop children and young people getting access to tobacco because we know that most people who take up smoking do so before they reach the age of 18.”
Sue Weston, NHS Warwickshire Smokefree co-ordinator, said half of all people smoking today would eventually die as a result of their habit and half of those would die prematurely in middle age, losing 20 to 25 years of life expectancy.
Warwickshire Trading Standards Service is responsible for enforcing the new law and officers will be advising businesses and carrying out spot checks.
Businesses should immediately make arrangements with the vending machine operator to have it removed. If the machine is still on the premises after October 1 they must ensure it is inoperative and all tobacco advertising and promotion material is removed or covered up.
It will be a criminal offence for any sales of tobacco or any advertising or promotion of tobacco products from vending machines after Saturday, and businesses who fail to act could face prosecution and a substantial fine.
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